Enroll in our Equine Interaction Event Thank you for choosing to participate in this experience! We are thrilled for you to join us! First Name Last Name What is your gender identity? Pronouns Cell Phone Number Email Address Your Parent/Guardian's Name Your Parent/Guardian's Email Address Your Birthday What school do you go to? Which category describes you? Please select all that apply. American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish Origin Middle Eastern or North African Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Multiethnic Prefer not to disclose Who referred you to this event? What excites you the most about connecting with horses? On a scale of 1-10, how confident do you feel about creating and maintaining your boundaries? 1 - I don't have any boundaries at all. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - I have boundaries and I feel comfortable expressing them. Share about a time when your boundaries were disrepected. How do you deal with peer pressure? How do you handle challenges or difficult situations in your life? What areas of your life would you like guidance on? If you have food allergies, please list them below. What are your favorite healthy snacks and meals? What are some of your favorite songs right now? If there is anything specific you would like us to know about you, please share below. If you have any questions about this event, share them below. Dress code suggestion: jeans & hat (cowgirl style!) Got it Submit